We asked the artists of Pallade Musica a few questions.
Check out what they had to say by watching these fun videos!
Tanya LaPierrière, baroque violin
What inspired you to become a musician?
Given that there are four of you, how do you make musical decisions within the ensemble?
What is your favourite thing about being a touring musician?
Elinor Frey, baroque cello
What makes a great audience?
Can you tell us about your instrument?
What is the most challenging part of playing in a chamber ensemble?
Mark Edwards, harpsichord
What is it like playing on a historical instrument, such as the harpsichord?
If you were stranded on a desert island, and could only have one piece of music with you, what would it be?
Esteban La Rotta, theorbo
How do you prepare for a concert tour?
Given you busy schedule, do you have time for other types of activities such as exercise or sports?